The film follows a two-person folk band called Future Folk, both members of which appear to be human but are actually aliens from the planet Hondo. Bill (Nils d’Aulaire) and Kevin (Jay Klaitz) were sent from Hondo to aid in a takeover of Earth, as a comet will soon destroy Hondo. The Hondonians must relocate to Earth to survive. However, instead of eradicating humans, they found an immediate, childlike affection for music—something they’d never encountered on Hondo. Now admirers of human creations and performers of alien-folk music growing in popularity, they must find a way to destroy the comet threatening Hondo before Hondo and Earth destroy each other. Yes, this is very silly. Yes, it’s also actually a very good movie.
The levity doesn’t detach from the serious emotions of the film. Touching upon the strained coexistence of differing societies and the power of human emotion, the screenplay manages to walk the razor’s edge of creating a zany, eccentric sci-fi fantasy film while rooting the plot in an emotive human narrative. Quite impressive.
You can find this film on VOD, iTunes, DVD and Amazon Instant Video.