The main character of the movie is a high school girl named Blaire. She, along with her boyfriend Mitch and her friends Jess, Adam, and Ken, are having a fun night hanging out at their respective homes and talking to each other via Skype and Facebook. There fun is only slightly disturbed by the fact that it is the one-year anniversary of the death of their classmate, Laura Barns. After being viciously cyber-bullied, including having a very embarrassing video of herself posted to YouTube, Laura publicly committed suicide by shooting herself in the face (which, of course, was also filmed and uploaded to the internet). Blaire and her friends eventually realize that they have an anonymous and uninvited guest to their digital hangout session. After fruitlessly trying every possible method to get rid of the intruder, Blaire realizes that the interloper is using Laura’s account. One of the kids jokingly says that it must be Laura, which they quickly laugh off. As you can tell by the trailer though, things begin to go downhill fast.
Here’s the thing about Unfriended: I was not once scared while watching it because it is not a very good horror movie. The plot is extremely predictable, the characters fit every horror-movie trope to a T, and all the movie’s frights are cheap jump scares. If you go in expecting a scary movie, you’re going to be disappointed.
But on the other hand, this movie is a great comedy, and not even just in a so bad its good manner like I was expecting. Unfriended makes the crucial decision to not take itself too seriously; if it had it would have been a train wreck. The horror moments are frequently hilariously cheesy and over-the-top, and the movie actually has a lot of great dark comedy moments; I don’t want to spoil anything, but there’s a couple of great jokes the movie makes by using Blaire’s Spotify playlist. I found myself actually laughing with the movie and not at it. The audience was also really into it, and they were clearly having a great time.
And that’s what Unfriended comes down to for me: it was a lot of fun. It is a very self-aware horror/comedy flick which doesn’t take itself too seriously and knows how to have fun. As long as you go into it with this mind, preferably with a bunch of friends to enjoy it with you, you’ll have a lot of fun.
Grade: B