The movie presents an interesting invasion strategy, and way to conquer our world, as well as manages to make fun of us humans by reminding us that we don’t need extra help to wipe ourselves off the Earth -- we’re already pretty good at it. The 5th Wave also explores who the enemy really is, as well as how we can be blindfolded by our surroundings, and the inherent values we don’t question.
The film also unsurprisingly offers a pretty crappy love-story between Cassie and a sexy guy (Alex Roe) that rescues her -- and then goes on cutting wood outside of the house or bathing in a river (I’m not complaining.)
So while the unfolding of the alien attack and the questions raised are credible and well thought-out, the actual scenario -- as well as Cassie’s journey -- is far less. But I guess it’s just a typical recipe for an American movie.
Grade: C+